I Tweeted this earlier:
San Antonio, #Texas, #Conservatives upset by learning citizens are to be treated equally.
— Matthew Rose (@MatthewLRose) September 5, 2013
...and I picked up a new follower:
Every vote a Democrat makes in favor of Bombing Syria is going to cost the Democratic Party HUGE in 2014!!!
Democrats need to heed the will of the American People. Get these so-called Democrats in-line to save the Party. If they get their way it will destroy the Party. Republicans play a better long game than Democrats, Wise Up!
Why aren't you calling for all parties in the Syrian Civil War to lay down arms. It is the only moral action the United States can take.
No more weapons given to Al-Queda, Syrian Opposition, Hezbollah, Mujahideen, Democratic Union Party and/or any other minor factions the United States is presently arming. Humanitarian aid only.
Gratuitous YouTube Add:
Edwin Starr - War (What Is It Good For?)
Harmless Drugs Users & the Collateral Damage to the American Economy
There needs pardons for all non-violent drug offenders. This is necessary to clean up the mess the War on Drugs has done to undermine the potential of millions of America citizens costly untold damage to the Economy.Consider, three consecutive Presidents lives were not ruined by illegal drug use, yet amazingly they managed to make something of themselves. They won the lottery of escaping prosecution, while countless numbers of their peers had their lives devastated. These non-privileged citizens sat behind bars, others lost the right to go to college, others can't not get hired into prosperous careers,... and America's Economy suffered, from their lost productivity. Are we as a nation going to allow another couple of generations barred from prosperity all due to a nonsensical stigma? Did we lose a better President, due to a drug charge, barring them from financial aid, forcing them out of college? We'll never know.
Let me be clear, only drug crimes are those to be pardoned, charges of theft, robbery, weapons charges, etc. would not be crimes covered under the pardons.
Locking people up is expensive, it would be far cheaper to providing shelter, employment assistance & job training, food stamps and finally drug treatment, than sending people through the court system handing out mandatory sentencing like candy on Halloween. Saving from no longer imprisoning people could be shifted to schools: primary, secondary and universities, a more educated populous is a huge win for society.